Tuesday, June 7, 2016

How to Hold Yourself Accountable This Summer in Utah Real Estate

If you don’t act as if you’re in the market that’s coming, you’re behind.

Let’s talk about summer - a really interesting time for an agent in Utah. It’s go time, but it’s also time to take a vacation and spend time with our families. It’s a quandary, and additionally, the market is moving so quickly. A lot of our agents are doing well because of this, and this can cause some agents to want to sit the summer out. I implore you - don’t!

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Look at your summer and set some goals for yourself. Take a look at the calendar from June to August, and decide which days you’ll work, and which days you won’t work. Don’t be afraid to take those 3-day weekends. When you look at taking time off for vacation, we want you to front load your work. If you’re taking a 3-day weekend, front load that week, and find a partner that can cover you. When it comes time to return the favor, then be available to help your partner when they need some time off. It’s important to find someone who does business just like you.

Look at your summer and
set some goals for yourself.

The first thing to do, is to set your goals all the way through September 1st. Then, find a great partner. Finally, determine what will be your incentives and what will be your consequences - and who will hold you accountable. Only you can answer that. Also remember, you have to do your lead generation and feed your funnel.

I hope you think about those things this summer. If you’d like to have a more in-depth conversation about this, please feel free to give me a call.

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